29 NOVEMBER 2024
As I have said and told others I took a
break from the truly awful television of anti Trumpers , especially
the rhinos, who the people have never liked, and each time I see a
walrus like John Bolting I thank god he isn't my friend. I did say
before anyone., that Chumley is beyond a mere bushman uncaring and
flippant disregard for life, as behind lace curtains as ma said, they
throw other means sons into a fire pit quagmire that is unheard that
far back, again like something out of Tacitus. This old fat pug he
loved blood with his unswerving beady little eyes and his blood
soaked mustache, and his layers of warming blubber, and I have
nothing to do with him or anyone like him, as I said, again before it
was written in the holy books of exit polling, that every time
peppermint patty Chaney showed up anywhere enter the appointed
fingered queen– and I have just seen her thanksgiving message she
feels mo pain and three sails to the doldrums, and Apo ho ho and a
barrel of rum, happppppy new year, wow i haven't seen a performance
like that scene foster brooks, –it seems even skeletal Carvel is
starting tow WONDER now how the hell that all that money go poof…ah
a Jewish husband, well, there’s a jack Benny joke in there
somewhere. Maybe daffy.
We aye leftovers, in what has always
been my favorite part of the year, before Christmas decadence gets
too schmaltzy, and is still sweet and fresh, although the lesbians
who are out to like Savonarola degree charismas , ah it is always the
truly devoted who hate the effect if Saturn, and i wish that chapter
had survived in Ovid’s fasti, and a over the air channel, a s
television must be, or should be, shows a strip of I Love Lucy, and
two hours worth showing it must be hitting a nail on its democratic
head somewhere but then who in god's name is still watching Colbert…?
As he shows again, like Josh Shapiro is shopping in Hershey
Harrisburg what happens when all the ambition catches up with you and
your stick, like Milton's Satan where you thought you weren't going
to have to be. I saw the one in which Lucy writes a book of the month
club, which ma was part of before somehow i dragged i feel everywhere
here down, and how she is upset that her firsts ale is for a textbook
that says don't let this happen to you…she is crestfallen, isn't
the name of the toothpaste in wacky packages…?, and refused to take
the check back then a good amount of money. I thought of the wall of
Italian farabotos, their favorite word once coined and sanitized by
Jebby and removed from it any arabesque, that i have faced since
dared call the Satyricon a master work, as it as seen was of course
porno, by both the drab hags and the uptight sex hating but war
adoring witch crafters, by the Hillary coven not too long ago, bout
now, was a piece of gay literature they never heard of at will and
grace, like say Gore Vidal, and now is repackaged at penguin as no
less than a gem of world literature. I thought of like situation when
i was first trying to get some acceptances back then, and how a
cartoon was accepted of how to draw compilation and how it was
accepted , then with the ulterior sadness so prevalent in the ghetto
of comics then and now, i was told this was to show a lack of true
deviation to the comic form, etc, etc, like that was to make me feel
bad, or that id slink away. Well, asshole i said to that crew, it was
accepted, and bought , so i don't care if you burn it, but i have
sent it out and demand the paltry 10 dollars i was told as the price
thereof, and since i sent it out, if i didn't get my check, well, I’d
start trouble well, as they in comics always struck me as the creeps
that have been perpetually thrown into lockers by the crepes whose
girls they sniffed around, anyway. I was sent a first check, no i
think i made 3 dollars for a comic before that, and i told them,
listen, dears, but that picture whether you liked it or not was an
image i had stolen from Wally wood’s mad comics as a kid, and when
they assured me not to make the mess i assured them i would do, it
wasn't the principal of things, but in fact the ten dollars, they
don't know who Wally wood even was and i knew as it always was, i had
cast pearls before slaughtered pigs. As like with Donald Hollinger in
an early that girl resent in another that girl weekend didn't catch
that intently, when he was offered a publishing in a dell signet like
paperback lurid novel and turned it down to be a scribe at a
middlebrow news view, i thought, not me, sir, i will take any and all
acceptances, as its resume or it didn't happen.
Saw a never Trumpers creep, thin lips,
Nordic fold, the whole magilla, and so how very upset he was on GE
theater with the trash he's had to have his brush with all along,
strange bedfellows and all, and how upset he was that Bidey has given
his son a pardon, papal clemency that only days ago they said only
evil Catiline would ever do.
Too bad, Fritzie, but the cotillion has
come crashing to the ground, and when the slumming is over Maggie and
jiggs and the rest of the cast of little nemo in slumber land find
themselves in the gutters of the gape by word. Table for ten mister
Trimalchio, the crow is not delicious, filling tonight. Too bad,
isn't it though, and for the thousandth time in annals of history a
less than Rome senatorial class patrician family is trying to
pretend again they rent in stables once, but like their bag men will
always return, no matter how many chickens cross the road.
Fw: The Aesthete
11:07 AM
Nov 25 at 11:07 AM
Anthony Acri
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----- Forwarded Message -----
From: WW
To: "antonyacri@yahoo.com"
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2024,
8:25:50 PM EST
Subject: The Aesthete
Good afternoon Anthony,
Thank you very much for your submission
to The Aesthete. After much deliberation, we have decided that your
work is not right for the November issue.
We did, however, enjoy it, and hope
that it either finds a home in a different publication, or that you
will submit it again for consideration for a future issue.
Thank you for any kind word as I find
again what really bothers some who make a point of typos is in fact
almost a John Cheever , though am not a fan, attempt at vernacular as
much as anything. Like calling it the Tyber so bothersome to those
for whom Chaucer's Decameron is mute.
30 November 2024.
In 2020, I wrote, and got published
which was a thunderbolt then, a piece called THE PRINCE OF THE CROWS,
in which gloomy Tiberius Bill Clinton was alone in the Shady groves
eves of the fractured fairy tales of Basile or Ward, and he, as the
pinball wizard, assured Bidet that who ever destroyed him it wouldn't
be him, and i had been alerted that Jesuit boy was screaming that the
horse of Bidey was indeed hollow, they poo pooed him and so, his
revenge was getting even. So daddy empire it must be a sad day at
casa de Bush at Kennebunkport, and bidden shows again why poppy and
bar did work so diligently to keep the praetorium from a vowel ending
Cuomo or Ferraro or god help is a Greek, so much for that sanctimony,
as today the Irishman showed his Irish exit at its best. When there
are gray skies, I don't mind the gray skies, cause there is you,...
SEA. SO EAT THAT LADIES, NOW WHEN @JOYREID chopped off her hair as
Romans did to Etruscan brides they ‘married’, you don't have to
be illiterate to work at GE but it's sure does help, and as wage
salvers and organ donors at the armimentarium dare ask dey do why now
are they fired at the holidays but Rachel dear is just getting a cut
in pay, it's a Saturnalia miracle, Keith. I must ask in our Scorsese
world, now why has woke sentiment has been left in shades like this
,and why was there no attempt to keep the sanctimony of ethnic
casting , @broneydeshannel to old Rome, and why is a English queer
like @ridlyscott allowed to appropriate Roman anything…? See as
even i could have told them, the senate, not what it ever was, as
Denzel dares lecture it know that George Siegel is dead and what was
one called by gene sickle the worst movie of the decade outside of I
spit on your grave, and maybe worse, two thumbs down ironically
enough, why now are Romans played by Anglicans, and why did the alien
queen get to make a film about Rome, that closest i ever got was the
Etruscans asked as i was, if i made it up, and said back to silence
that unlike Tolkien and Conan that i don't have to make up a noble
past that my father told me was the Nazis biggest mistake as they
alas never had one.
So happy Saturnalia to the music of the
spheres and Ma and Gore and Guvner Cuomo , as I spent the weekend
watching the office , that's another entry will get to, a happy
Saturnalia is had by all, as I’m sure that the next time they ask
you to swallow this much phlegm and bile, Rachel dear, don't ever do
it for someone who was against busing. See cause again have a
knack, as the nuns exposed, too much hated by Newerker Manzoni and
Machiavelli, as I did pick up early on in the joyfulness that the rag
that father gore called the police gazette without the warmth and
quickly they had her as triumphant as she with MIA foot soldiers the
last waltz, who Aeneas couldn't laid a trifle for a turkey shoot,
they were both not in a triumphal chariot but instead a thunderbolt,
like at Kenny wood, and again like Ridley who thinks the Romans
senators didn’t wore blue sashes, now indigo was sued as pigs blood
again was an only due available to them, and they never heard that
quo ascendant necesse est descebdere. I did see even the Disney movie
beat a crumbling gladiator, did you know that the wizard of oz was
actually William Jennings Bryant…?So, no good deed…
2 December 2024.
As am hopeful as Romans ,Virgil
attesting, Balms --seeee...?-and his Pentameron like CS devoted fairy
tale to Prairea and WJBryan, the original wizard of the file cabinet,
does eviscerate the latest non needing to be sanctimonious, plebes
hating, gladiator, crap movie. To the @broeydeshannell ‘s of the
world who took woke crap seriously, why is an English fairy allowed
to play Livy and cast white girls as Livia…? As it's always nice to
see carbon copy house nig Denzel call the Romans a "they"
in their own town, I ask what happened, Lindsay to casting
stereotypes by the numbers like Mad , four Italians is an opera kind
of thing, and whatever happened to cultural appropriations and why is
that English queer still later in the same perpetual war for
perpetual peace, tell me about the Romans George, why is all that
suddenly allowed…?. Well to any cow willing to eschew their family
over some had broad, they refused to cry alone, and have almost
Savonarola disquiet at roman festi, as opposed to the plebs who won't
be caught dead watching political diatribes amid the soft drink and
pharma commercials, now now, Rachel dear, those toaster ovens don't
sell themselves. Like plagiarism, eulogies rest their heads again,
over who was the lowest rated vice praetor ever, A neat trick. where
is indeed the money, doll, to me, a Spillane about things, maybe you
had to barely steal NJ for a reason. I do keep sending out first
drafts so bothersome to low brows, middle is out of the question, who
don't needno stinking blue penceeels, and yet I don't think that's
what bothersome so much, as suddenly buddy Bill is taking victory
laps on Lucy and Desi in the morning and laughing it up as Biden is
being descended on by the buzzards of Twitter who want him gone and
think he's everything I said he was. Father Saturnalia was the first
holiday man to give out whippings to the little rancid creeps who
killed little kitty kats all year long. 487 views while watching the
Cowboys scratch one out...as pop said The tongue goes to the tooth
that you busted the worst. Please, if Kamilas husband was Italian and
not Jewish he'd already be incarcerated, …
An editor gal, a lesbian perhaps, but a
democrat like Carvel unmoved by hoi miles from war consigliore John
Bolton, got back to me over some either cartoon or essay eBay out in
a flurry of such as I sometimes do. She commiserate with me over a
distaste of The Office, but we watched it here all week took a break
from the now as filthy as they've ever been alderman politics of this
filthy little man who is dragging the simony pious to a level of
their disquiet as unseen since he allowed Oliver north to go before
the snake in the trappings of dress grays and with again a stage
immunity and not being put under oath. Ah i recall the chiefs at
midnight and how he always took the side of the people you hate do
you recall,…?;, as wage salvers and organ donors at GE TV start to
want to know why the hate being pink slipped as the gals of empire
vogue on Hadrian’s wall, although a good Marxists I’m sure recall
is already bitching and moaning about every dime. I recall when i
write a good wife speck disruption which a doppelganger for her in
the play was about and out fired, they aren't that smart, was fired
by general technologies the owner of MSNBC and she , a grand dame
Hillary witchiepoo brought in Italian Perry mason, my certain, Virgil
girth , and dumped her own woman barrister in my play Diana Lockheed
who as verklempt until she raised that Virgil indeed was out to trash
television in Toto, and had on the and the still then useful to getv
mercenary George will, Hans Muller, just like Colombo, but alas i
always figured that at the sandstone tower of Olbermann, well,
believe is something anything was a always a non starter anyway. My
brother said don't send it on, and didn't, but i did get published
somewhere the easy about seeing the rerun of Carson with the great
Petronius Gore Vidal, who to Johnny’s amazement told us all that
indeed the democrats at the judiciary did indeed allow Oliver north,
writer of a white paper on how pandemics could be used to keep old
coot Regan in when it looked like Gary hart could win, not if bidet
had anything to do with it, and so, alas, i too from that age believe
in more than just being on television, as Colbert and Rachel so
commonly and doggedly do. But now they are yielding into the corner
of their TV Basilicata, meaning literally here the divine root basil,
as in Basile…? Are and were allowed to grow greedy as a hemp like
sacrifice to Ceres, so again, bush family, you'll never really get
all that damned Italian and or roman out of the wool you festoon on
yourselves. You were expecting what I thought as a schism opens up
between the house colors and fat girls and the never Trumpers Rhinos
on war memorial television…showing again, wash the pyrite fleeces
that all you like…
She agreed with me, as i can sometimes
get even ware lesbians to do, the illustrated by the overly
circumspect leap me in Juvenal allure was and allow for me to be
shocked as some even were when Bidet was told to amscray, showing in
the end he paid for everything and still isn't DONE GIVING BLOOD, THE
CLINTONS ARE NOTHING IF NOT Brian Blessed in their own roman
pantomime dragged CHARACTER ARCS, with that dreadful gummaddi wife of
his knowing yet that in fact he was the had termination that i
suspected that he had as a destiny all along. I did say how awful it
seems that the shy sad girl wanted to be an artist but alas in the
wasteland of Laura petrie, she was rescued to brood mare to that
smirking goon, who sometimes we saw the truth would out and
everything i thought of him was indeed said by the invisible laughing
hand of executive producer Rickey, well being English among Jewish
theater television had to be better than vulgar they. She liked that
in an essay called The Wall, more Augustan history than pink Floyd, i
said that , and she thought i did that all well, unrequited love was
the hall mark as it were true art and literature, this leaving the
rats of the swamps of that happy little island, England. I emailed
back, thank you, as find i am alas and alack trusted more than any
pants suited anchorettes at the armamentarium, that indeed unrequited
love , at which i hold a masters, is the essence of great literature,
i.e., Catullus and Claudia, Aeneas and Dido, Dante and Beatrice, and
of course, Ulysses and all the fellows in the horse. Thai made her
laugh showing again, like you all I am still stick in fifth grade,
but alas with a bevy of approving and some not, nuns and brethren, I
am not stupeed enough to think myself as awakened to anything in
fact have been bitching about as the ice-cream man, a bag man ford
Clinton suddenly wants accountability from a candidate and where, ah
the Romanist of ethics, where is the money, doll…? The republic
always strikes back, Claudius.
As my brother and I went out into the
feeding cold, as didn't i call predator Joe the snow miser back when,
and so he leaves as he came, on a film of snail slime, a worthless
and feckless old coot who rose to close to the moon and thus had his
wings freeze and has come troubled and troubling back to earth. He
thought my line about unrequited love was both funny and sharp, but
he asked me as the winds blew back and hard enough to cause the old
coot to diaper lest he ever have to answer for everything, though now
we are hearing that sonny boy hunter actually held a sword of less
than Damocles over his head and proceed to go states evidence on pop,
said i shouldn't sue my own references and what they think of as
obscura to the even well wishing in publishing, who like the church
he never trusted. My brother is like the great Indian character actor
Claude Akins in Support your local gunfighter with Jimmy Rockford
when anyone came up to him, he made a hand gun gesture and said,
smartly, what’s yur angle….?
I told him I liked making some people
,more than others, look up who Fred Mertz actually was.
4 DECEMBER 2024.
As for some reason that hated word
populism takes a fore across the globe , parliaments filled with
those that parliaments have been field with sadly since the more
cabinet Tuscany senate, a 1000 years older than any later corrupted
Roman sort poo pooed anyone who thought the nearby swamp kings of
Rome were a legitimate threat, the world seems to be if not shrugging
off an atlas, maybe he has had enough and leaves the round world that
even the Romans know it was, to its own devices. France, and even
South Korea is papering the world surrounding the ocean with writs of
nolo confere, and notarized sealed and delivered acts of non
confidence, and all at once, as the praetorians always try to save
themselves first.
We watched as I have said, a stripped
daily The Office, until as he is sometimes given as another round up
of reruns, my brother said, get these ffing asshoels the f outta
here, and that showed we had seen enough of this. But there was a sad
and sweet moment that I’d see when alone in the cold tree imbued
light darkness, in which the frizzy haired Beatrice , Pam, so
scurried after and chased by googly eyed insufferable Tim, who seems
to be dodging a poor man's Martin Freeman as haven't even seen the
original Ricky Gervais show yet.
She was at some art school show, and i
have been there both android and not, as the two bagger latino-queen
Oscar and his then never to be seen yet again jack of all trades,
made a point of what art should mean when one is toll a student and
is if just working a pencil closer to artfulness than any John Somin
like queer will ever be, as Voltaire taught us. There always is some
political need to these art critics which disappears when they are
told amassed to vote for someone who was segregationist not that long
ago and who is now left behind in a liter and a deleterious bramble
of kited checks. I felt an empathy for miss tits not felt much before
or after, as she was soon to be told through the sue of the nuance
that commedia dell'arte has always sued, even if unknown to those who
for the costume and think they are so damned abate guard, anything
that has a French word associated with it is an ultimate slur, as
neuve rich says it all without having to be slurring about it. She
vainly tried to escape the underground that people like here hours,
greasier shield Rickey believe in, as somehow worthy of Amimnius who
had an eye for the inferior, but busty and comely Italian girls as
an early tom Jefferson, they all out appease now looking ABC at the
way back machine called free television, that all here have demons
with pretty Italianate girls, like Rashida Jones, but alas, they
always return to the titan haired Laura’s of not out and out blonds
like fellow weirdo Amy Ryan, who is always the prize at the end of
the treadmill of corporate America. Then Michael and without him that
show, a s my brother noted is a slog with some Muldoon from the dread
daily show, and he is a awful bizzaro like re-imagining of Michael
without the warmth, and he comes to be touched somehow and somewhat
by her attempt at art which no less than Leonardo said, is the
fulfillment of art itself more than many around then tracing
Michelangelo would ever understand, although Mike didn't ask for
anyone, especially Raphael, whose name was smeared by a art movement
in dire hapless little island Brittan, which alas would not last as
long as German fascism, when all was said and done.
She had painted a water color of things
she had seen, an art exercise used in drawing and writing even my the
Jesuit when I was a kid, so somebody either knew or guessed at how
are, despite television is somehow made, and in that sweet moment,
Rachel shows her a moment of compassion, even forgiveness as we were
making faggits then in TV land, unlike the ones i had as kid from
the society of Jesus, who knew it there is anything to apologize for,
art is never it. Of course it was reduced to is there something in
your pocket or are you glad so see me, as every old vaudeville joke i
have heard of Morey’s was here, including best in show Rainn who
was alas , wearing the suit his grandpa was buried in, Plautus is
everywhere. And i noted someone have a moment of green gauche in this
place, no matter what it wouldn't happen, the slow slouching towards
Gomorrah left to be a desert inn Vegas if it could have been by a
yawwyah who always , according to Solly of Taurus, had a apple in his
eye as despite and against the rural Jews but for the Romans and
their butch creation, a Cain again never apologizing, Yahweh could
get behind that better then always whining Samson and Cain’s who
always splitting differences and all, the blue collar thug who, like
Rashida actually make the plot carriers, like Syphilis more human
than they be without them, comes so see her art installations. And
Jim assuredly always with a eye bent towards catapults of business,
was not, and was at a Connecticut , suburbs home of the CEO, and is
always willing to , like Fred Arisen say a camera caught Eyechewawaw,
and then crash the cymbals like Rachel Maddow, i'm sorry, Ralph
Monroe. And speaking of her, i thought as see the retains, all that
ever matters in our political killing fields after all, that when I
was ten, i too wished to be cbs teleplay writer Paddy Chayefsky, and
I thought here, there was a human story, alike a beloved Marty, in
the fact that a pretty ish Pam, a solid 5 and a half, with
gargantuan, for television and its harem of white non Italian women
television, bosoms, though, there could be something cute about this
blue color thing with her, but alas, dear Rickey didn't fall that far
from the shire and its poisoned apples, or for that matter appellate

I think, as it was prophesied at the
time in the Washington post that very day that Stephen Colbert has
come to the end of television. And since i was ten years old and
wished to be Paddy Chayefsky, i looked up that last speech that Bill
Holden gives Faye Dunaway in the holy writ to me of Network, read by
me as the sibylline books, and a speech that Holden wanted to give
and traded casting with Peter Finch, as Paddy wished to get the
Holden played the mad anchorman, and
Finch did win the Oscar anyway.
- where she stands in the middle of the
And shouts at MAX through the open
Bedroom door
(cries out)
I don't want your pain! I don't
want your menopausal decay and
death! I don't need you, Max.
You need me badly! I'm your
last contact with human reality.
MAX (Ccntd)
I love you, and that is painful,
decaying menopausal love is the
only thing between you and the
shrieking nothingness
That is the rest of your day…
He slams the valise shut.
Then don't leave me…!
It's too late, Diana! There is
nothing left in you that I can live
You’re one of Howard's
humanoids, and, if I stay with you,
I’ll be destroyed. Like
Howard Beale was destroyed= ! Like
Lauren. Ebbs was destroyed Like you and
everything you and the whole
the institution of television touch is.
You are television incarnate, Diana,
to suffering, insensitive to joy. of
life is
reduced to
Common rubble of banality. War,
murder, death are all the same
to you, as bottles of beer. The
daily business of life is a corrupt
comedy. You even shatter the
sensations of life into time and space
Into jagged fragments of minutes
seconds and instant replays. You
are madness, Diana, virulent
Madness and whatever you touch
Dies with you.
Well, not while I can feel pleasure or
pain, or love.
Oh, hell, Diana, it is over between us
I'm not sure it ever really happened,
but I know it's over.
He turns back to. his valise and
buckles it. DIANA
finds a chair, sits in it. A moment
later, she raises
out of the bed. Max is lugging a
rain·coat as well as the
valise. He lugs his way across the
living room, t.~en
pauses for a moment, :reflects –
- MAX (Contd}
It's a happy ending, Diana.
Wayward husband comes to his senses,
returns to his wife with whom he
has built a long and sustaining love.
MAX :Heartless young woman left alone
in her
arctic desolation. Music up with a
swell. Final credits
And here are a few scenes from:::,.
next week's show.
She disappears behind the foyer. We
can hear the click
of the front door: being opened and
door closing. Diana sits in her chair,
pulling the
shower robe.
Thanks for
submitting your work. Regretfully, we won't be adding it to our pages
on Typishly. We're grateful you chose to share your creativity with
us. Deftly depicted: 'the Cop show backdrop that the new Romae had
become, the Capitoline of the west that it once was, now a mere
playground of subway assaults...' Quite true: 'some starlets from the
Fellini days did become at last round up, blimps.' Notable verbs:
'somehow tunneled and wood-wormed his way to the magazine.' Well
said: 'tin and metal boxes where secrets were kept as long as anyone
could want them there.' Unique writing voice, densely allusive.
Be well.
Be creative.
7 December 2024.
I think it would please my stoic,
dignified and somewhat aware of American plastic father to know that
I am his beloved son, and there is no doubt of that, I am here to see
the end of television.
The rains come down incessantly, it is
frigid and yet not cold enough for a Barbara Stanwick Sydney
Greenstreet like Christmas in Connecticut, a favorite movie of ma’s,
and somehow redone, but of all people, Arnold Schwarzenegger, which
the whiskey and bucolic settings were replaced it would seem by men
with burp guns. It is as though the world itself is trying to ash the
Bidden criminality away from it, perhaps even put out the myriad of
fires that this troop of morons seem to either be devoted to making
as revenge or is just the third act that Marcus warned us was the
ending to all idiots, after all. Next time you make a stolen
presidency, if the Augustan history Teaches is nothing, is don't give
the people and yet incompetent in bard Galliano’s, and keep the
midnight clowns now thinking no one will recall their fat little
lives of misogyny and death threats against them, with a dollop of
the always the war adoring cretins like John Bolton and George Will,
who like their hated Clinton, are at the core, chickens in the
Caesars farms. The third act always does come, and although
Clintonite bag man skeletor James Carvell dares call body a tragic
figure, bringing up thoughts of the gods of comedy and tragedy, it is
perhaps he and his own party who will reap the mud storm, if not the
ice pellets from the cold miser as he is unsure enough of the arts of
politics or literature know when to take a bow, or to scurry off the
stage before, as it always can with him, gets worse.
As u have had a good year as opposed to
ay the praetorian guards, if they aren't in a tizzy as we speak, as
no one cut my salary in half, now get out and jiggle when that steak
is burned, Rachel dear, but then, I said i don't trust any liberal
who would work or even get fired, Keith, from a sandstone tower
armamentarium, which puts to shame the poor mud huts where the mere
Romans kept their knives. I made sure that year i took my victory lap
and made Wendy the goddess into the feminine incarnation of mother
Italy, as showed her as a antlered deer queen worthy of the Roma, am
Etruscan goddess lost to history or at least re cast as television
always must, as a later , but still dirty haired and somehow brunette
Celtic queen named Belonnerix, bodice, whatever it was. I did make
the mistake of watching a Saturnalia inclusion at this end of the
lunar year that I did getting forty bucks for something accepted,
took it, placed it on pay pal, some don’t take that anymore , but
haven’t sued it much, as here in freedoms land and the home of the
brave, a good plutocrat, after the Romans god of the dead or maybe
its the dog, but not the planet, one must pretend to feign the same
attitude towards things as Whoopee, when of course, she isn’t
apologizing to the Jews in corporate over not showing enough due
diligence to their hemorrhoid like devotion to their dead, as opposed
to say all those wops so killed by fbi informants, laughingly called
a mafia, as that is always good for a few Sunday night at the movies
laughs. I took the fifty or so mucks, from a check my brother cashed
for me …was it for anything having to do with July is the most
imperial month, as I do and have done well with the drawings, but
still, whatever it was , was called by someone as heir of sorts to
Franzetta and Royo, who i have come too much like, and to be hornets,
have plagiarized as it seems okay now that both counsel and proconsul
have stolen their diary epistles from the front from least somebody
I took the cash and sent it out on
submit table, those who ask for such a largess to get a quick
response, and gotten at that writing one from the both, a rejection,
but it was so nicely wondered and laudatory it makes me wonder
exactly who gets published anymore but those who constantly kiss ass.
As somehow the world is afire now, and i don't much care, but somehow
France is , as it always is in mother’s beloved Hugo, on fire and
manning of the flying buttresses, devolving into a chaos, that i knew
that the old snow miser was bringing with him, and leaving in your
laps, as it were. Disposed and disposing, the word is from Axioms,
but then, he should have never proceeded to a rose garden or for that
matter a Tacitus, not that I ever liked him more than Sallust, like
some. My brother was watching scruffy, but rodeo rider, Banion, like
me his sprinkling of end of the republic allusions as with clinton
pleases him, he told me that of all people, Klobishar, now freed with
the joy that comes with contact lenses we now know the romans had and
was refund in a renaissance that never happened, she is a chicken in
the henhouse screeching at mars, that drop of blood in the night, as
she is waving a warning flag amid the ruins, that she is against all
this pardon shit, and as my brothers aid, a few days ago, these
pardons being so open minded weren't pardons at all, but mere nolo
contendere plea agreements, and even a woman finally saw that. So f
yourself, sweetheart he said of her, Try to keep those plates
spinning in the air and try to keep your career afloat,... as he sees
them all as bigger whoers than even do i and in fact, the trash of
MSNBC is devoted all but their morning zoo again afloat is the
perfect word. as now the thieves of empire have to get Latka into the
senate, and steal house of deputies seats by hulk or by crook in
allegedly blue states, the cock crows at midnight, but as i said
before anyone before, i saw the look on gurgling and burping and
achita field Mackane the day that comedy writer Al Al Francan dared
call himself a roman pig farmer, and so again say , Tony Clifton
despite his good soldiering, or maybe because of it, the joke is on
him, as like the Senate became after Constantine,... its restricted.
7 December 2024.
this is a day according to bits and pieces of Ovid and others, was the day of the birth of the Roman superman still called Hercules, as Heracles , admittedly Greek interpretive grace, stolen mythology, but then 40,000 people didn't just die over the metamorphosis's did they...? So, it is funny, how that image above, did bother some when was alas a boy sending work to various new York outlets and even the house of girdle makers like stan the man, but then i have always bene shocked by their love of money, which my roman heart should have ennerured me to long ago, but despite all, I am a romantic.
On December 7th 43 BC, the first night
of Saturnalia devotions and temple receiving, both quiet and gaudy,
just like here, as roman loud mouth and conspiracy theorist, actually
it is said he believed in nothing much but his own seat, was arrested
by the Octavian he supposed the revival of the republic, heheh,
against Antony, showing again those who get in the snake seats and
higher Rachel dear, aren’t as willing to eat shit as the dogs
always are. He did, I heard, get a wonderful eulogy from Augustus,
who didn't hate him as Antony did, but again, remember Cattline
enough to figure the blowhard got what he had coming. The plea
agreement they finagled from uncle Caesar, ran out. The great
republican had his head mounted to a door, as one again, it was shown
that yes, Virginia they built an empire over your dead body.
10 DECEMBER 2024.
The differences from last Saturnalia to
this, and especially from the Christmas fog to now are gargantuan. A
magazine seeing my unneeded and unwise connection to my own blog,
which i don't usually place into anything, nut had when i ctrl +c’d
a resume, caused them to renounce and replace an acceptance of an
again unconnected and apolitical outside of her being a brunette,
which always bothered them, or some, and not others, or not some, am
image of my playpen cover of a spunky woman in white was at first
seemingly accept card then was not possibly over July is the most
imperial month, as there is a strange devotion to an old
segregationist that i don't know why old democrats have to a corpse.
Although I have a feeling it isn't good. I too then renounced to
sever another dime in this frigid and yet thunderstorm blizzards, as
sent in a last 6 bucks to some sheet called typishly, but allays my
admiration for Capote and especially Gore, are a mere echo to many
now. I renounced doing any of this, and despite paying for expedited
resumes got almost none and since sent it out before when to bed, and
got a rejection when opened up my computer after bed and wanted to
watch the cowboys somewhat, i had an inkling that its quickest
response couldn’t be that great and haven't opened it yet. I asked
my brother to get two MO from the local Sheets , a seven eleven type
of bodega, and field them out and gave them to of course the American
terrains, the Indians of the windswept plains, and to the soldiers
also give some money to, as we now have liberals who take out their
alms and give their indices in blood, and as ma would say, that is
too Lutheran or me. A stat boy like house wop is arrested for the
acceptable murder of a ceo, which my pop warned me about being a
foot soldier ever for the dogs of Venice, or that backwater here, as
he weaned me, when the Forever bothering Italian would get you, and
for me, he said, they would, no matter how sharmt i thought i was,
that martin Scorsese and or cupola would not be at the jail to give
me bail, maybe a Jewish PD, if that. Within moments of hearing a
loaded word to the tribunes of the plebs, knives holders of a lower
rank, manifesto, dead giveaway to the shadows on the wall, of stat
boy Luigi, Pontius jewish John was sent out to blast him and
dehumanize him, as when your family owns country clubs, and you
pretend to be a radical, well, like many and like their best read,
you got the Latin and the Plautus character wrong. And we can see now
as a corpse is applauded awkwardly used in the Kennedy center, was
Colbert mc of this, and was the megellia dell oro given to such a
vaudevillian and Billy crystal, who will ever know…?
I decided then and now, I wasn't giving
the con job known as submittable another dime. But we did have a
Urbis de Orbo Saturnalia message from the fat bloated pope of
Hollywood, dyky Rosie O’Donnell had to tell us, in a Last Waltz
sort of lack of privacy, had to tell us that she indeed has herpes,
speaking of Greek democracy. The human pap smear known as her then
went on a triad against Trump, always a back stop, and i wondered why
we even had to even hear that so soon after her plea for the Menendez
brothers, to show the new Sparta’s true kindness, as i had in the
pool, syphilis and the over.
I went to the doctor that I have been
seeing almost this year to the day, doctor Jugdish, ad it as quickly
done, as I am in better shape than I was last year when I started to
go there because of, like America, chronic seeming conditions. I have
in that year , from dick van dyke binge to binge, as recall how ill i
felt that day before that as i mailed it last Christmas for Gummaddi
Gilda to play Jackie o,as wrote a piece, broken up, a part of which,
Saturnalia in the ruins as accepted, along with free Conan, although
the parts with Bill Clinton as father Christmas were unacceptable,
although as i have said i will indeed take what i can get m anymore.
I am at 260 lbs, which seems like a lot, but last year at 280 pounds
which means I have somehow lost 22 pounds by being as diligent as I
can be at doing first two the three and now four miles on a
stationary bike each day. I should have lost weight before, and
indeed i have lost triple digits from when I was over three hundred a
few times, but still, like much less, I think I should have been this
devoted before. Why did I lose so much weight…?
A hearing of possible health concerns
from the fabbale Pakistani Indus river dottore, as i'll take a Indian
doctor, though preferred a Jew, as when asked if i wanted to see
local wop Doctor Cicrerelli, i said ill see him when i need a gunshot
wound kept off the books. He was the father of a red headed gal who
thought she was miss thing when i went to school and again, when she
was kinder to me should have been more affable towards her, as i
wasn’t ever thanks to fearing some story of rabbit trap set by a
little faggit named Albert Curio i was stuck in a school i wanted to
leave long ago, but my father thought his friendship with the maffed
ridden off by the blond sissy son of an asshole that sold insurance
as a god given devotion. Did i lose that weight because of seeing
Lisa Ann Woycheck as i call her, after so long and at that dollar
store where i bought a now summer’s day broken batman smaller than
id have liked. And i haven’t been able to jump over that fens again
between me and her, Fuck this high school meals shit, my brother says
as hears me careseranly dictate as scratchily type away a first
draft, Don’t pout dirty spoons in the coffee cup we use as a
guilder for silverware he tells me, but still, he is sure i have
spent to much of our lives caring and giving a goddamn about those
redneck old days of school where indeed i was a good kid and a prose
winning student, only to eventually allow snide little Albert to have
his run of a fleet of boys rooms called valley high, and
purposely so. Now, he is a bartender at a queer bar, as the
entirety of the age of Gore Vidal, according to Limbaugh was over
thanks to an equally prissy little entitled cretin named Obama who ,
as i wrote this is being pilloried for his unawareness of knowing who
Cincinnatus is was or ever could be.
Was a weight loss done as much as
anything for the aging but still well unkempt curvied middle aged
school yard Veronica, and did i somehow insult or yet again scare her
off as i revert to whisper, scare her with knowledge that in those
days of Vidal replaced by a scheming and laughing more than they’d
like Clinton, in eggshells and toto mundo, i paid that skeezix
photographer to sell me pictures of her done in tie and Fedora like
Fosse charms. And really as I admit to that burgeoning high school
girl catching my eye as her ilk did hen I w as a boy to more than I,
never noticed by Carl or his son and the flamenco of the Cyclops,
would it even matter as in 2020 when I said it was sad to see Colbert
and his ilk survive a black death that all thriven Italian girls now
older who were openly raped, did not. U think about recasting the
shards and the pages and the remembered recited passages of that book
of the month club era book of mine about just that, a Lolita but over
a woman among the cheerleaders, a Navbokian resort that upset them
so, even then, as the lesbian told me, I do have a way with

a comic book website, I won as it were a digital filed of something
called batman first knight, which appears to be an attempt as again
to recapture the depression era Bat-fart with his vigilante past,
down to his once time parsley colored gloves and seen bat ears that
were worthy of a republic serial. But at least they are trying,
the Batman of now is to me, unarguably anti dick sprang, never
smiling, never joyful at being a fascists black shirt, and of course,
Robin is as of yet, no where to be seen. It is slathered with Nazi
shit, we all have to do this over the fact that the woke are stuck
now with a disgusting bag of garbage banned Biden, who today has
given us another slew of pardons from the dying Shiva of a
presidency, with a judge today acquitted from gang TAFFIOCED CHIDLERN
WITH OVERLY sentenced juveniles to for profit child prisons, which
with a Chinese spy, who had widower pornography on him yesterday set
free, it does all have an after taste of the goons echoes always
attached to him and his constant need for upper management positions,
I recall what bill Clinton was openly then and caught on camera about
it, a born Jesuit, I guess, and once again, the myriad of drug
offices and three strikes, and you're ousters that this old coot
friend of Strum helped to gather up like a Satan, for the malebolias
of inscrutable, and the death row inmates there, well, therein is no
moratorium on any of that Rachel, put your bullhorn used at print of
Guernica in mothballs, and beg to keep the company gold card for
lesbians who lunch, but again, as my pop would say, the poisoned
apples, divination falls even closer to the pointed trees.
how in the Batman comic I considered a gift of sorts the year that I
did get a published account of how much I hate Conan, called
#freeconan, weeks and weeks and weeks before Luigi
lived out his Scorsese credo, despite how they lay it on thick about
the Jews never forget as Layka awaits, like Liz Chaney a
communication that like the Octavian officio, may come as it did for
saint Joan, all too late, remember who this cretin was, Anita's of
all stripes, and as I saw the shortsightedness of Roman Bill begging
this organ donor praetor for a pardon for Hillary, a sad moment for a
man who allegedly read Sallust, ah but nothing rubbed off, not like
Obama halo now dipped in Madge's Palmolive, one must stalwart recall
about the sanctimonious, how many Jerry and Joe Jewish teenagers
creating the most important American cartoon since Mickey
mouse, that they would spend their half blind mindlessness bringing
sandwiches from Grossburgers, and in abject poverty, they didn't sit
there schooling about future Epcot dotting the I-95 main drag swamps.
There is a reason for all sanctimony, it is how tres evil pretend
they have ethics and thankfully now, cross pollination betwixt and
between the new Jork times and NBC is falling asunder, as after all,
even the liberals cant believe in a war profiteer and its stepsisters
from a rag that censors the word genocide when talking about anything
bit Dachau.
Ire in a abandoned theater. Buy sunbeam and resist.
December 2024.
last years Xmas stuff, in a dusty old target box used to keep a
string of always white and unused colored lights that were kept in a
tangled string, and with a few glass ornaments
that I protected as if bars of gold or Damascus steel, as they are
the few Saturnalia balls of fruit that were since the
hood days of cinema
and thus irreplaceable, and all now seem to be plastic at the dollar
store I haunt, I found some drawings from last year and attempt
to make 360 drawings in one year of 2023. Also in there was the old
copies of the torn and worn Conan omnibus bought last year at a local
ish comic book store, and admired by me concentrically for its art,
as its asides and intermezzos over and towards the suicidal prissy
fatso Texan Howard the dick mean nothing to me, as have as have been
doing since was 10, and with images out of the great John Bushema,
have been usurping the overt and even somewhat vulgar and racist
imagery of Hitler’s
Tarzan, Conan as a spring board for my own roman heroes, Stupendously
and with captaincy. I flooded through the omnibus pages, I bet that
wouldn't be lost of old pulp magazine strange tales amusing stories
Robert E., but still most of the art is impeccable, and looking at
the book found names on what seems to be left over sulphite papers,
and quickly sued fax and scan to collect these images and add them to
the folder on a 1 GB card my brother bought me to quit with the
whining, now where did I save that at...? Images of eyes, half made
Herculean men, I save myself the constant Batman snarl of this less
than ER burrows ape man, and prescience half done are galore, if not
as imagery too stolen from this time image comics, at which there is
it seems an open bias against a thing as a Vulcan junior amid the
superposed Episcopalians and the dark knights queers with boys wards,
and the barbarian honchos of the houses of various Stan’s
and his pajama game of funny pages and think, lurid inks. And gain,
this is the year that I achieved Free Conan published showing at
least the comics sites I may have alluded this to, that again, I say
what a lot of people are somewhere deeps own thinking.
we are on the Italy date of Roman Saturnalia, the 25th being the day
of the indomitable sun, sorry but Christi
as trapped ion the world that was yesterday here something that
caused the skeptical Italians to not buy into his Jewish warmed over
gestalt bullshit spirituality, no matter how many times that his
praetorian for hire, and I hope he was at least whipped good for
playing both sides of the Apia way as I had said since I was a lad.
And I am altered by my closer to newsprint brother, and his being and
the paddy nightmare that is the news, or what passes for it at the
bowling ball, the dead as a duck and the Cyclops
that like Peachey continue to fall out of the sky like soon to bleed
demigods, that in fact A BIGGER CHECK, as it mulls over what to do
with paper bag Negresses who got the job at CNN because of being on
the right side of a cardboard box, having
to call out the viziers of legal so often theses last few week,
even Rachel now knows which side her maroon
are marinade
on, as ma would say, never a fan of her and her batting eyes charms
as a dyke who knew her place, my mother prefers the out and out
owlish nuns of the shady groves, and that in fact ABC TV, mausoleum
of BABA and Harry Reasoner,
a morrows boy we don't have nodding mad white paper satires of
ghettos in mad, if wed even have mad, has made a plea agreeing with
the incoming
king Charles Martel as I called him, which echoes back to my brother,
as he watched an admired Banion, and of course in admitting no crime
or malfeasance, of all people, George Stuffingenevelops has to be
used as a Lech’s
puppet again, and though no admission of guilt, and on and on and
blah blah blab,
et cereal et retrace, can you tell me how to get how to get to
Reality street...skies are gray, pushers are stealing
hay, come my way to where the air is mean...I find a few almost
Fletcher Hankians human statuary, as I saw him called at some web
site, which of course isn't winced at now that he has become cool,
meaning that you can think this way when the middlebrows and how of
calligraphists are selling yet another artists editions,
that when asked, tole my sister, too much for any of this, and for a
gift just buy me a bunch of old comics in the two dollar bins at new
comics, and whatever omnibuses of any rocket
or anything else, like Conan they couldn't give away, the net-workers
have now, alas the game as Gore warned.
the reign of error ends as it begins, as it seems that Grover's mill
new jersey is under attack, and of course, Clinton hated apparatchiks
like Kirby hang dog, bad news bears coach 1, is assuring us all that
this is swamp gas and mass hysteria,
and always willing to do the bidding of his masters, like the
gangling lunkheads on fox about football, though the audience is ,--
as it is for gladiator dwindling—not one nomination for Denzel
as Severus it seemed—creepy more than ever screaming
ore in an abandoned ed Sullivan theater Colbert laughs at the plebs
as soooooo beneath him, aren't they always,
showing he has alas learned nothing from the plebeian revolt, much
less Tommy Smothers. But then, I did well this last year making up
for the nuclear winters of 21, and got now more words published than
cartoons, a rarefy for me, and much was devoted to what bad year
this was for Bidey and of course
for the
goons of chime-less midnight that ushered him in. Ask not for whom
the stopwatch sprrrroooooingggggs, it does so for thee, and I wrote
that in the spring before the untimely death of Bidey or wherever
that was, or wasn't, we are still unsure.
puts down the new Jersey wops, though his old master lives there, I
suppose, as chasing cogs, but even usually silent sphinx Blumenthal,
has come out from under the carrerera rocks and the maggots is
demanding answers over this, as Catiline, a prick in their sides to
the end, calibers, cleverly, shoot them down, shoot them down, as we
all think that once again,
my brother said, there was a fire sale at casa de Biden, and Zizee,
as he admires, is even pulping the skin of this interregnum. Oh,
what laughs weren't really heard when he put them down at the
liberalized time slot of Merv, Cassius as a comedy writer, when he
demeaned the wops of Jersey as usually a one the killer of that CEO,
was found
to be a good and wholesome
BROUGHT TO YOU BY MERCK, he had to go back to his days as a
suspicion, pigeon English, egg fu young race comic he's always been,
why indeed
Tom Shale’s
called him the end of television, how stupid are these people, he
asks, and does wop singalingalinga acceptable definition, but watch
what you say about drag queens and episodically Jews
on the 27th
floor, that what you get for 2 out
of 3 wops voting against the Cuomo hating segregationist from
1984, when he first assaulted the palace, ... he’s
been, and of course
called it all drama MIA, but then I remember when he was ringing
bells the night. That night, though, and Italian family was
depopulated by Baden’s
black death, and three generations lost in a day, but he wasn't a
Soprano, but snag the baritone of Miles Glorious,
as sober
as a judge, and I never bought any of it, and not shocked at all he
went here and there as a Mick
from tar heels tobacco road, as he somehow survived what Dante called
vernacular long before, as it is amusing when you call yourself a
liberal, what you are allowed to say. I still await old Rosie showing
up on his squatted upon set, now lets not go nuts and strike that set
till we have to Polyphemus says, as I would
have told you, Tich guy, don't talk about princesses
in anon Disney
way , evasively
with NBC alas
the work
of the Windsor
family, unless you’re
Jay Ward and have Edward Everett
on the payroll, and obviously,
as for the onslaught
of drones
in jersey
my brother announced
How much did this corpse
get from China for this dragnet of stolen informational
s he was like me taught by Jesuits
and you can ask Bill, a smart man needs not lie, but a stupid man
nothing but, and he said, you can call them what they like, but too
did the decrees
come out, Joe, and now, no stand in for Anita hill or Dunn will ever
be caught dead near you explaining
anything ever again. Ask your sister, Steverino. See. ...that’s
no favorite
...Its Epiphany.
for nothing that i had found
my bought
collection, calling it a compendium or a Omnibus,
a word that
sire would
the great
homers of the Anglican
race, Howard and Tolkien, although , in my
do have a like given to me by Pappy Poopdeck look
GRR Martin, I
take it one
be in fantasia
an initialed
god now a
when he did give me a like, noticed
others more than me, who aid no attention
, that he was indeed the writer
of a song of ice and fore, as he called it, and not game of thrones,
or not all game of throne,
or not completely anymore game of thrones,
or which ever ort whatever it was, as he gave me a like at one
of these placed
not only for my barely disguised
I proceeded I’d never much do, but then, resume is now place for
the sanctimonious, but
add enough unlike
as he did like that when asked why did the English
queers of fantasy
so write in their beloved dark
ages and middle there of, I
said, snidely, that because,
when Ariosto
wrote. I take it he, Or his people, like with Stewart
at times,
found this
funny and gave
me a like that he wasn’t
giving much out to those
who had already
him for his Anglican
version of the sopranos.
Then, I
have a million
of em
to me,
and recall to my own detriment
when dealing
with the Newerker
that I
see any trigger warnings
as i saw the other
me TV
of Boss board game are Christmas
when i as a lad and thus gravitate towards them and the dusts
of old Saturnalias
which have
more than
ghosts, but then now Italian
can one get...?Yesm,
there was a woke ass era trigger warning
over anyone watching
this petticoat
Sam Drucker a menace to society, and its full of you know, pretty
Gurrlllllsss, we miss you Trumannnnnn, and your love of the swan, ,
so, and there was one too, the next day when I
found f troop
as again
on, as why waste the collected
reels juts over some American
called injuns
anyway and it was a few years back
that chief
of the Lakota,
open the pod bay doors Hallie, or Kristin
in wigs or at least
hair. Yes in world on edge
over drones, and who poke of them and their maker as a medieval
armamentarium eons back, see I
do know
hat i am saying when say you and veracious
wops are doomed, my father alas
like the brethren
me, and left me no crystal
at the artic
circle, we must show how decent
we are by censoring or
at least
Larry Storch,
which to me seems more trouble
and sanctimony
than it ever could be worth.

giant edition of Conan,
lost and which started
me down the rabbit
hole of writing
free Conan, was in some, a lot, dispraiser,
and there with the sketch
made from it unfinished
in graphite were pages barley
to the
spine of the book. But
has changed
in a year as i am sure that the witches
of long island,
or at LEAST Martha’s
were sure
they had it all in the bag, but forgot with whom
they were dealing
and who hated him so probingly
and who was only a few doors down at
making sure that the wooden doors
would at long last loves break
and flood the
and even more than just the old man and his sea of old man ammonia
piss. That they didn’t
what and whom was behind the screed
roll calls of busty
manias who would dot the sky as the people
again are demeaned
by mister clean
Majotkas, what fools
these plebeian
be, but alas,
who will believe
you now, when you call these
cheap fakes
yet again, as bidden
to me always
the Carney
who should have
been a carnival
barker and gotten out of town when the idiots
caught on to his ring toss scams. Who will believe
the old coot now, those
ere assured
that he meant
it, as close
as he means anything when he said he wouldn’t
pardon his own son, but did, who will believe
of lights in the
sky have nothing to do with him anymore...what
and forgo
the evolutionary
process that kept the Piltdown
man alive....? we as
men erectus
see [asterism
and how in the jersey sky.
known, but growing
and More as the recounting of rape casers from way back fall apart,
Trump is
but heard
the chore
by the
day, the man who gave us a toxic spill of one crime bill after
another, always
tap dancing
for that
great confederacy
he was sho
wus out dere shu enough, Belllllviddeeer
come here, bohyyy, who
will believe
bag of old man stink
now, as he gives clemency
to the judges who put children
in carseration, in for profit
jails, even bill who he hates
and despises
as the reverend Dimsdale he has always
been in central casting,
this bag of shit, this toxic avenger,
to judges and to Chinese
but all who had
the scarlet
letter, r beneath
him, and faggy too, he gave cleanse
to someone who sold his robes
and bench for
mere shekels
to a prison
camp for kids, and kick backs from the great
killing fields
of chocolate
towns he hoped
to crate that Colbert
ahs never bother
to look into. How does
it feel, Booby Zimmerman to be on your own, and know this cretin
as praetor
when Mario Cuomo
was not...? Well, two out lf ever
are against him now
as he
can barely
get a an ovation at the Kennedy
from now broken hipped strega putanas,
i sense
with the freezing of the turtle from bourbon
land, an Alan Moore comic about to break
out. Like a rolling stone.

thought i had kept it to myself
, at least
this once,
as am a blabbermouth
at heart,
but my dismay at the broken snow globes, only one with dared
are still here, although
without water
long ago vaporized,
my brother sensing this, went to a dollar store he frequents
and bought
us a train and some stockings
for the wall , which is a nice
sox we have never really
had. Still, i found it sweet of him and placed them up and the train,
than he had
thought, but with echoes
of Saturnalias
in, i paled it on the stand, in
of the television,
one that only shows
the Office
he is not here, as he has allays
had enough of cringe comedy, as we Italians,
it is said, have ,much
but no wit, as opposed
to English
men who have wit, barely direfully
little humor. I am alerted by someone at a leftist magazine
which has
my chromes
aged Saturnalia Bouffant beffaunnas that whitey queers so distaste as
opposed to the priests who aired many tastes, my
pets of dark
in more magic kingdoms, unless
are trying
to openly money
grab at more ethic audiences
and self
that it seems my since
fifth grade
railing against Ovid
of the elves,
is now openly on Google
four from the top, a salon i think page describing
now, after so many tears of pretending
to be anti Nazi,
that why liberals hate Tolkien
now, it reads. Hell, I
email back,
this is stuff i said in fourth
some of what, like Shakespeare,
the times of London
and other essayists of the pigeon englessse said of him long ago, was
in fact right here, though didn’t
enough of it to know if the liberals
now knew or cared that
the Etruscan
for Turk,
was indeed Orc, where they got the name
of their Satan,
a white skinned monster
later suits of
on his mistrosos back and
bald as a cue ball, angry
death god who did battle with Kemeter,
the blond demon
who played
both heaven
and hell against the other, this
is after all, Italian,
over the
fair and lovely
and upswept
hair Turan, as back then Venus was merely a girl godling who presided
over the national crop, grapes, and the wine which came from it. The
name was changed and she replaced by turned
into Backus
by the girl hating Spartans
who came incurred into Bella
as i wonder
how many games those
let the women play. 300 Spartans
held back an armada,
Julius dared
asked,...? Either the Spartans
were supermen, or, more likely,
he said, The Persians
stink at warfare.
December 2024.
I awoke, later than I ever thought it was, but it has been dark this
festive season as old coot Biddy shows that he , like Calvino’s
Manzoni, an only similarity, is at last, allergenic to dignity. The
old corpse bride, had to be apparent wonderful alderman of Oz, is
sending out hang dog Kirby was there to explain what fools these
jersey thugs be, as they cant after so long know the difference
between war drones, brought to you again from the fine folks where
Keith Olbermann doesn’t work anymore, some Jewish creep made fun of
him on a comedy show and thus a sportscaster reading us the news, oh
where have you gone Cosell when we need tu, and thus he had to go. He
is lacteally bald facade, this Mathieu experience trying to tell us
all so many things that are diametrically opposed, nothing to fear
but we don’t know exact who or what these are, juts go with it, ah
bidden advise to the barley legal since 1970, but despite that the
rainy gloom of Christmas doesn’t fit as whatever cooling and or
warming that Gaea has in store for the todo mundo is alias not
romantic enough in the least to give the plebeians white
Saturnalia, although it was in the summer of Sumerians that Syria ,
bubbled into the revolutions of dolts and decay, when it started
snowing in July that they knew perhaps their calendars were indeed
off. So it is drak as December should always be, I guess, as I rather
like the shortest days, and they help facilitate the sadness that
without it Christmas is a worthless holiday of splurge.
up then, my dressed to go out brother left some letters on my desk,
for my attention. One was the Smithsonian which ill re-up if he wants
it, I dot much care, and a reservation of injuns that I have too
given to, as said before I see them as the Etruscans of a mezzo
America, and do try to throw some shekels in their own ancient terra
cotta pots. I, he said tome, Saw a letter from the Newerker, --a
derisively term to them I am sure that he got from me, but then whose
been talking about Grover’s mill new Jersey all along as he , the
great Orson makes an appearance on the news I avoid that I know my
brother likes to watch at the dinner hours as issued to be said when
pop was here.

he said, Sent you some bullshit, he said, About you being a
contributor again, or a valued customer of that rag, so I tore that
murtherfukker up and throw it in the trash, a bunch of cards he
said, that looked like cartoons written for or about the blind…I
laughed at this, but then I have heard the wittiness of those around
me back since when to be an elite in the emerald city was a much
harder thing to do as out Petronius then from Monroeville Alabama,
neighbor of Harper, who had a curia test that a lot of the hags now
wouldn’t ever pass muster. I would have liked to have at least
opened it, I said, but he shock his smarter , craftier, and yet more
romantic head as I recall when the monsignor said to my pop when he
took me to see the old medieval building of the society of Jesus that
I would come to despise, when it was as still marble inlayed before
that German nun to horrors of many, ripped up much of the renaissance
framework that he stole from Mellon that Mellon stole from Stalin as
the man of steal then was ripped off by the gross northern barbarians
he made common cause with spindly, my father thought, as turning on
him didn’t last until the aches of Deer Fuehrer were cooled off in
the bunker scene. No, he said, I don’t want that middlebrow shit
anywhere around here, Go, he said, put Kamilla, --a lot of my
epithets find their way into his own dismayed at this empire of weeds
speech, as I have always been good at with the brethren,--On the
cover of your rag triumphant, as she and that bag of shit from
McGovern land who cant load a rifle lays it on think, and put them
in a roller coaster to how triumphant they are to be. What goes up,
he said, issuing a Latin phase that Virgil knew, as once again there
are those shoulders that English geniuses always have rested upon.
unsure what exactly they wanted it couldn’t have been a, god
forbid, acceptance letter though that would have been the kind of
ending to the Unmaking of the President a file holding allots all of
the essay of this tear, especially since the death of a road side elk
as sometimes the angels write it all themselves, or the bagging of a
president , or whatever that was, though admired by some, hated by
many who like Kirby are living out their act to the end, I wasn’t
expecting that, when he left I thought of going into the kitchen
garbage to see if I knew what it was, but decided that level of
subjugation wasn’t at all worth it. I did send in late at night,
what I thought was an early Saturnalia essay called the wall with 13
written on it, but instead sadly, or not, I sent in the unfinished EX
OFFCIO, as haven’t really finished it, been editing and spell
scheming as I have gone along, still, it does bother some when some
typos are missed, as I am not the kind of livable Italian they like,
Albert is not the kind of prissy vicious fairy they esteem, The
Office is their The rope by Plautus, if Plautus is back to being
hated , although not by Hillary I was assured, STRANGE DEAR, BUT TRUE
DEARRRRRR, but still if they even read it, or bother, it is a good
payback to a bunch of pompous cartoonists and over fed white women
and the mausoleum of Pauline Kale, as serpentine sentences so adored
by the nuns, were not liked by the joyful remnants of the
abortionists at Frostbite falls, now a circular firing squad as Anita
Dunn, and Marks from confidence games now ancient get their licks in,
as in fact that thunderbolt car came back to the ground, if not
crashed off the Coney skids, as to the collected crows of that
depression era Bennet Cerf monstrosity, I don’t know anyone who
voted for Kammila, as that explains not only Pennsylvania, but why
its Jewish Pontius today has come out to say he is aghast that
corrupt judges from the crime bill days, and some who poo pooed the
idea that rape was a felony, oh that is coming out now in the
autopen and forensics of the stolen mantle of Augustus, there are
those who cant wait for him to go away, a s we in fact waste
surgeries, are the Lucretius ever not off the books, as it were...?,
on mummies like Pelosi, for whom there is never a death squad into
there alas is nothing but one. Send.
Christmas approaches, a concierge of the Clinton 21 or tavern on the
green that always seemed, despite or because of woke-ness always
returned to being a Animal House that as an embarrassment to the
Warrens and barmaids and over fed witches of long island, Variety, of
all people, is reporting that ABC, the Disney channel indeed, is
considering cutting ties with bill’s pimp George Stuffingenevlopes.
That’s called irony. A Bummest check.
see, my father, unlike some, actually worked for a living, and didn’t
like some radical sons, do his time and make his time cards by being
at CBS by doing posioend penned teleplay diatribes against no less
than the then hated Newerker gilled with mush moth circular talks
according to pops, or worse yet, no less than Tennessee Williams
shown as someone who was unable to give his plays the kind of rolling
in the aisles guffaws that say Casers boys could give that self same
Caesar, though one with a larger ego and not as intrinsically funny
as the first. So, when it was made aware to me that in fact, Albert,
future and even then fruity molester, sorry Kornheiser, and lovers of
killers of ceos of Ecumena health consortiums, we are not rats for
those secrets which are not our own. Its not, my father and race
assured me, and Suetonius too, of not capote, that none of your
secrets are mind to bother to keep. Therefore when I heard that as a
student on scholarship, funny for a fifth grader my sister said as
she called the Vatican 2 age in which the school was carried by big
donors doctors lawyers and mafia chieftains, but by 1977 had become a
sort of private school where the teachers and administrators of the
rat infested down the avenue literally ridge avenue junior high, now
a grassy knoll, its the whole village…?, sent their daughters. Ma
told me she had never heard of abortion as a right, much less a
sacrament until and unless the schools were desegregated , a turning
point for a young Mr. Biden that he should have never been allowed to

the third go through this month of the now waning for me in interest
The Office, the later Maxwell Smarts progress through the malibolgias
of the industrial park frankly was starting to weigh on me, and
wasn’t as funny as I had thought it was, only days ago doing turkey
leftovers. And since always could not stand Ed Helms doing an even
more egregious version of his Jon Stewart brunette cadre, only the
girl wasn’t a brunette , not hard to figure from the yeshiva of
television, still, even started watching old Super friends , if not,
here a thought, nothing and merely doing due diligence at my work
table, as ran out of steam looking for a inclusion before Christmas
as now take we enjoyed whether it is I sent in as a worse insult than
those who out and out disliked my stuff to begin with.
envelope came, addressed to me, and my brother thinking it was
something from one of the art places I have sent my work into even by
mail this holiday of the post Officio and its Miracle of 34th
street echoes, he upend it, to a sister chagrin, as she had sent me a
bunch of Mad and comic books bought at some mail order place, and it
as a Christmas gift, though the day of the apostolic sun, the 25th
meaning less to him than were it still a pagan holiday, its amusing
what can be grafted on the word of God when in the consent press the
flash recruiting drives that all marines, armies, faggits and born
again must always hit their numbers, or of like Glengarry glen Ross.
Now that was funny.
the bloated and chap wrinkled envelope were some super specials from
when I was a kid, some epics, heavy metallic fantasy comics, black
and whites, bit mostly some old mad’s including the middle figure
one, and I noticed, the inserts of the mad Wally wood comic strip
were in place, including the old Madde pamphlet, all of which I had
as a kid. And through the yellowing somewhat pages, some worse than
others, but all seeming scant and ancient, I did see in the first
flipped through relic of the age of Gore Vidal, long gone, a Mort
Drucker masterpiece, complete with that masters images of Orson
Welles and the pretty Paula Prentiss, the book by Heller, CATCH-ALL
22. Ah when we are all anti war, at least the nuns and us Jesuits
trained, when meathead spoke of his empathy as fleeing and as
mercantile as it was for the various indigenous Americans, not so
much for Italians or Sicilians as shown in his bloated Princess
Bride, how sad to think it,, I thought, that there was a time when
meathead and then now shown gone and never returned to 8=H Buck
Henry, comedy writer par excellence, weren’t so eager or willing to
be the pilling guard for anyone from the Chaney crime family , who
CNN NEVER around then yet, have had the never to act like we all feel
badly for but then, this essay, cartoons or anything of mine is not
happily brought to you by Merck, Pfizer or anything else that brings
good things to blight. In the magazine even saw the Al Jaffe Jewish
creed once of the planned obsolesce of things that show their very
AGE, and thought, still there as a boy drawing cartoons, a
refrigerator box past warranty and its prime, with two legs in
stockings and heels, as if, coming out, maybe with floppy feet like a
Don martin poster seen here, but will not cut along these dotted
liens after so long, with a dog perchance relieving himself on the
corrugated cardboard, and a mad mini poster headline reading, RACHEL
it has come to light to me in some of the kind and swell emails sent
to an fro as still hold out hope more in year that I got my share of
things posited and published, that I w as told as a last Jesuit
libertine brother among the war hawks and the vestiges of the Chaney
family, cine called openly war criminal until,, of course, the drone
company used a squatter Olbermann to take over the party , please,
I’ve seen that coming since he first left, I knew he was indeed
the man who wouldn’t die, not yet anyway, although the Bush
parrying is gone, he was a first to congratulate trump, causing all
the praetorians to scatter or at least be without heft, as if like
Sejanus their throats or worse their walking around money and their
gold cards , and without that what is the point of American
Liberalism…?, slashed in half. Now Wendy Bell, once here at WTEA in
Pittsburgh, is speaking out the end of all sanctimonious, Joy Reid
herself, pompous Sally of the electric company, is being called on
the carpet that if she still wants a job, well, dear, you’ll take
this pay cut, hunnie, and yo vill like EEET, showing a company as my
fortieth told me, who as when still the house of Morgan, more than
willing to do business with the future and the Duce, now there’s a
name for a committee, I dare you, as they , as they still might by
anywhere but the squalid hallways of MSNBC as Tallahassee Joe and
daddy Berezniki if I recall Hodding correctly had their own trouble
that that heinous Clan.
I am told my a well wisher, to whom I sent the essay I meant to , The
wall with the number 13 on it, a wall I assured the immaculately
pretty Wendy F., as saw her in an Integra post she displayed herself
in a peek-a-boo style I’m sure that the Dar and the war lobos would
see as shocking, they hate sexuality you know, especially the
Italianate sort, the nuns assured me and I would see myself with the
German Gertrude, she should find self as a prefect setting. A woman
more liberal than not, said, finding in me a Franciscan sort of
empathy unseen by those who wont stop eating through their rants and
their vaginal warts, --this juts in, ABC legal is demanding an
apology after the signed plea agreements went through, from Whoopee,
who to be fair can always act like she never heard of or much less
read the color purple when her Jewish masters, speaking of which,
said she was a bigot for recalling the chidden of Hamm in
anyway--that she had heard, and why use better journalistic ethics
than the New York Times, its now out there and making the rounds,
that Rachel Dear when told she was either fired or taking a cut, she
credo like a little lesbian at the Boss era carpeted offices, there
before the glass and brass and tickey tacky African Kitche as shown
by some, an Etruscan urn by chance perhaps, though they have never
been as cool as pretending that a Jewish CFO or ABC vice president in
charge of blather can preen they are a Zulu, ALTHOUGH, WHO KNOWS THAT
THE WOPS IN THE CELLER OF THE Uffizi are selling out today, that can
be trafficked in as a the cops and the sanctimony never send Interpol
to all that art not stolen from Jews, but stolen by Gi’s who
brought half of the largess of mothers Italia and Japan and chain
back home to their baby booming empire, and which isn’t much spoken
of anymore.
was told and heard I guess two simultaneous rumors are at least the
new journalism or what passes for it now, that she literally, no not
the alligator tears of on cue beat the clock type NBC daily Tomorrows
shows, she literally cried warmer tears then glycerin , when she
was given the ultimatum as she was that shed be gone unless she took
a pay cit. I thought of the boyishly pretty as I described her
lesbians hostess this Dagmar or the peacock network, and how she gave
an enveloped of money to my Jesuit lawyer hero, Virgil Girth, leaving
the written for Broadway baby Diana Lockheed, Christine Baranasky,
who as her lawyer in the lurch, as she was again , out for blood or
at least light bulbs. But alas as I felt my heart sink knowing this
brunette had to be given this ultimatum and then took it so, and
didn’t find in real life a Jesuits lawyer who told the dons of the
Mutual broadcasting Company, Phil and his nephew Petey, based on
Conservative icon Steve Banion and as the feckless nephew, Ed Helms,
Muldoon is mentioned, no, I was alerted maybe csue of what I write of
this in THE WALL, that in fact, this woman was not shocked not awed
that when push came to shove, instead of acting the party of Calabria
Camilla, and racing on the waters to eventually hurl Dionysus arrows
at the tanks of Aeneas, now a inhuman superego in a metamorphosis
that would always cause Virgil to be hated by the German war lovers
like Tolkien, and I made sure since a boy I told them all that in
fact their English Ovid, he had an honest hatred for Roman and
Italia unhealthy in a writer of any sort ,a s his eventual frenimey
CS would say, that it is not far from my distaste for him and his
gnomes and his elves that in fact, Doctor Menge--Tolkine was indeed a
German. You’d think that woodlot matter, ah but as I have said
since I was a boy the Shire is always been part of a greater
Germania, . But I noticed as a boy…it certainly did. We now take
you live, to even though we have been told that there is a barbaric
nature in siding with the wop killer again, ah this time he killed
somebody that they didn’t think of as funny and the Scorsese opera
went awry, though ere it not to be such a cause celebra , especially
after we have know knowledge that on his shit list was the ceos of
Goldman sack and wait for it…GENEREAL ELECTRIC, perhaps the
propaganda divisions…?, not only was a cause clebere made if it,
but it also had enough Jesus permeations to it, with ate house
ni88ers of the New Jack city in freefall around as Pontius in the
gallery, well, who on earth thought this as good idea, although the
stragglers and malcontents as usually were of a smaller number as
certainly no one was going to get a cab fair and box lunch for
anything this explosive to the curia. We now take you live to fatso
Rosie O’Donnell, still seething with anger that Trump dared not buy
her queen of nice shtick, she became Germaine Greer the second that
CBS took away her wigs, as that bloated cow growls at us all, and
revels she indeed has caught vaginal warts. AS Boccaccio said, All of
these stories are true. Ribald classics.
the first night of a coldest winter than its been in a while. So much
for a tepid acceptance of global warning by an accidental president
and lip service to climate change, maybe the soot for perennial wars
had something to do with that up tick in Celsius that strangely the
white loving Biden has glommed onto, but I do believe as have known
of Bide as a truly despicable and evil and tawdry little man, he
seems to love out his decree as the snow miser to his own less than
affable Dick Shawn endings of the farce.
brother comes in to my office space during the day, living room at
night of CBS old reruns, to tell me that his own cherry little
enfaces newsletter that he reads only because he knows that those who
place their money on the barrel want as an unvarnished as a news
ticker as any, and why on earth would he ever read the collected
slop of the new York times which seems, he thinks to spend more time
trying to convince themselves of their shit more so than they care to
do to anyone else. It appears as why I have kept this essay as open
ended as I have, tired of transposing any signs of that wop killer
who was caught the same day that for a life of service FF Copolla
was given a legion of merit from a man who is basically a pimp on ill
fitting burial shroud, who had called Mario Cuomo as slandered as
much as anyone thanks to he and martins lives works, that there was
something else in the air causing me to send out as much as I could
this month of Saturn’s feast, and again it had nothing to do with
any careening house wop who reverted back to his Sicilian racialism
despite his family having been living in the lap of luxury showing
again perhaps the sneering by Mario Cuomo was right and that one can
take the dago out of Messina but alas…and I was certain that he was
to tell me that again other sports outlets and three lettered
conscripts were out to get Gödel for his up coming spasm of
football, thanksgiving never enough, the Cowboys are at easy feh this
holiday season and even giants news appears like the post have had
enough to the forced gaiety and the guffawing of house Negros like
Steven A, whose bating jackass qualities are getting it seems on all
nerves all around. But no, my brother alerted me that the WSJ was
and soon to be followed by the delusions’ Notes of the new York
times, that thy are now aghast and horrified to know that indeed ,
failure is indeed an old man orphan, and in fact, the white house
itself knew of and conceded to the lack of cognitive ability that
Bidden has been showing on and off since , at least to me, he was
allowing Oliver North to wear dress grays as a costume, and position
the cameras to look more like David back in the days of Carson. No,
now it appears that the partita knew indeed and in fact that he was
a roman turtle, that is , as I said way back, a carcass in mid death,
or bleeding to die, who was torn from his cape and swords, this isn’t
some movie of English fagots, and who was used as a roman shield
against barbarian rage, and had his accoutrements of battle ripped
from his bleeding out flesh and left to die as friendly fire all for
the patria. He was indeed, my bother assures me, a figurehead as I
had guessed at, I, a school boy who read Julianus Capitolinus as a
ten year old for a conformation, or at least a law degree that never
came, and now he lied on the Cambrian forest floor, dying out, no
mas, a bubbling, sobbing idiot who fell upwards too far, frozen by
the light of the minreval moon and with wings of ice, not melted,
came crashing to earth even more rapidly, like Icarus, or the
Bullwinkle I thankfully found this year.
he said, Now they are aghast, --he like I hate when idiots rose up
this high, why he told me to post #repealandrepalcecolobert, and true
to my brothers cleverness and radar, he knew that this creepy cvnt
smirking twerp had some kind of deal with the then and not for long
triumphant tech, and soon as I write that was hurled off instragram
of maybe it was twitter or maybe even tumbler, but whatever it was ,
I never went back to one of them as thought again, who the hell need
this, or for that matter you…? He wont read the new York times, and
keeps recalling to me that Pinchy the Jewish macher who owns the old
hag, well, his grandfather took ads for bought and sold darkie slaves
that even post set the ill save none of them emancipation by Lincoln,
and genuflect when you say that pal. And now, he said, They find out
that this was a confidences job, a sting, he said, Now we have to
believe that this was all news to you, and again sparer than not,
when he heard that it was 75 thousand words, and they had done an in
cold blood, but with notes, sprawl on interviews with 50 ladies 50
white house pastries chefs aren’t they all in the end…?, he knew
despite the new found scansion of a rag that as he said, had Miss
Tits, Peggy Noonan once vouching for Biden as no one hated him like
they hated the Clintons, what is a little segregation among democrats
of a certain age, my father would attest, noting, and now, he was
adamant, now they have discovered they were fooled again all along.
How convincer of them all, he said, but again, with the admirations
and angers of monsignors who warned my pop not to allow me to become
too much like his “disrespectful” other son, I did feel a layer
of dirtiness to this, knowing that old wicthiepoo and Marius weren’t
indeed done yet. But, when I asked if he’d want to but the next
story coming from the vaunted Times, a first draft of history that
belongs like many a first draft torn up, Let them, he said, sell
their Bulgari xmas ads to someone else. Tell them to tell Bilbo, he
said, his name for a creep after all he was right about as he read
roman lives Marius when he was a Vatican 2 kid, and he doesn’t
like me even broaching the subject as it were, Tell them to tell
Bilbo to buy a bobble for his fronting dyke wife, tell him Bulgari is
open Christmas eve, in case he needs another gift to assuage wifely
that he wasn’t ogling of Keri Lake at all. Meet me at the grotto,
also assured me pre law too, when it was actually in Latin, That
there can be no nolo contrre agreements, as doctor death, Kermit the
BULLETS FROM MEN IN CELLERS, that when a plea agreement , not a
pardon, is given, these are not pardons he assures me, one must be
indicted of a crime, and must allocquate to all crimes committed, and
whatever it is that that cow Chaney wants from people who called her
and her father war criminals only weeks ago, it seems, and who may
have ruined their chance at clemency by ending caught dead once too
often on stage, and now a pre holiday murmuring about a revamp to the
25 amendment, as the pardons didn’t come out of the claw machine,
but then his carnival act has been crooked since he came up from
Williamson and the at doges therein. Believe it or not, but, calling
Delaware a tax doge disguised as a state got a like once from no less
than Keith Olbermann, just like how when I said, when heard that in
the midst of war Gödel now at the end of a golden rope that is
fraying, charged the did for fifty foot American flags as Cowboys
games, whereas thought the Virgilian patriotism was just a given. But
then who called gladiatorial shows at all Virgil….?
is being said now that my distaste for Coppola was shared by fellow
Italian , the first lady, who demeaned that he’d not be given that
award, who need him around, co-axially as she and junior have been
called a crime family a while now, and she damned CBS, I am assured,
that that aging dimwit with delusions of being Leoncavallo, that he’d
be kept as far from the eye that would show Byden for a sleazy
presidium's, low rent Kennedy center gala that he eschewed being at
the reopening of Noter Dame for.
When they reposed Notre Dame
cathedral this year, though I was horrified to know that it didn’t
even have a goddamn football team. My brother hears at Christmas my
playing of Peter Paul and Mary and their sad Chaucer era ish hymnal
to the poor and the weak that beg the over fed landed gentry for some
Christmas cheer and cherry cake and plum pies, and my brother a true
jurist liberal that would never whisper and call the nag man from
1975 an ffing warmonger under his breath last he lose his place as a
smiling hag on an armamentarium stage on a pile of old refrigerators
and drones, which have alas been grounded in Grover’s mill, NJ as
if one wants to know what is true to old man Biddy, as Gore Vidal ,
our boyhood hero said, one need only wait till he is done talking and
then they know it’s the exact opposite of what he just said. One
must know as the Jesuits said a smart man, like say Roman Bill,
although like Rosie, and Trump, my brother did never did much believe
his horse manure, a smart man needn’t lie and a dimwit as I think I
recall my father calling Bidey boo way back when, can do nothing else
at all. My brother loves when the Latkas and the Chaney’s of the
world , at this time of pardoning for on the take judges and child
molesters from the forbidden city, a DNC operative was found being a
spy for Zizi, he said to me, which shows how the new Mao is to be
admired, and yet, the curia becomes more concerned that the piñata
has been replaced by a dead horse from the national lampoon satire of
a then already past its prime Mad. He loves it all so when the
powerful as they always end up doing in the books that we had to read
and a decline and fall of the Roman empire being under my brothers
arm so bothered the old German nun who called me at first a credit to
my Hesperia race and then out and out a garbage can like all Italians
ended up as, my brother, who did battles I never much cared to start,
he loves when the frauds with purple ties, a combination of red and
blue I impressed the brethren with my take that the demarcation of
states between the two boxing colors was the end of the republic, he
loves when indeed the poor and the weak are shown what begging and
needing readily is when the powerful need yet again, something else.
Where are the pardons…hell we’ve seen more lies about the drones
and their midnight streaks.
as good a time to end this as any, this longer protected essay which
was no palimpsest as much s a Italian bricklayer all, the sort that
I was alerted could not somehow be made by the crucial editors and
censors I met and dealt with before any, as it was after all ,my
sketches, Mrs Clinton lights the Saturnalia tree which as somehow
sent to the central officiate by Tina Fey always open to new talents
less fretful than she, like Bidey boo, that was corrected as verboten
before her then hero Hillary had lost a first time, and before she
had to pretend she was with Him, a coot segregationist, all along.
therefore took some time off and we all watched the football as bread
and circus, amusing how many liberals decry that when jewey Sshumuer
tosses out the cakes, not as much this year though,,,, is as much as
anything a thing that they revel in on this plebeian holiday, as the
nun tole me , in America, even the faggots are puritans and all is
dichotomy. If there was going to be a spasm of blood sport for the
feast of Satrurnus, they hemorrhage Viking sanctimony and barbarian
rages, so be it, though as with Bidey, even the Neo-fascist rag paper
the WSJ seems apparently aghast at this lamented cash grab as
suddenly the cheap fakes of the Pretoria wore down, and the basic
tenets of lying by idiots, taken by a token stand in against and for
Anita Hill warned us all of turned out to be in fact the low level pf
non Jesuits that the slaves of empire, they always are. I hope
somewhere Lucius Sejanus is laughing at what fools these hatchet men
be, as they turn tither and yon for a shelter from the frozen rain,
if his shade like something out of Dante's inferno can laugh with as
it was , his throat cut by the wayward Tiberius. On Saturday we
watched and enjoyed the blowhard Pittsburgh Steelers, as i never
watch i was alerted on my time line by a well wisher that indeed my
insult to them as Stealers was in fact sued by that dyke drag queen
Colbert, to which i waved it off and merely said back, now with twitter or whatever it is that my brother demanded i hurl insults at,
anyone can think themselves Jack Paar. We watched as a reeling team of
one flew over the coo-coos zone, and a black Landry, the anniversary
of his getting the chancing job at Dallas though his Giants brethren
he even said as much, Lombardi as a better coach, but love Landry
anyway, a ball of steaming hot platitudes and niggardly assertions
all memorialize for any occasion shew nuf, whose has spent the month
of Saturnalia his close up for hard knocks more than draw a game plan
wayward passe when Landry got the job. It turns out all the rest in
indeed is, Vince, Mythology. They were bamboozled and twisted upon by
King Henry, who nattered to be in Dallas, but old man Jones was a
cowdry old soul and had to make Dak pay through his negro nose, this
Zulu smashing them for almost 200 yards as again shrieking Conan was
alas as at marvel, no where to be seen. Did I mentioned this was the
year that I got Free Conan Published, although had though it had
nothing to do with political pantomime, a white robed vestal
playmate, i just am altered, was refused after once accepted and i
was told to both to retake the picture of her for higher resolve,
showing the caliber of people my brother tells me not to deal with as
Bennett Cerf, he dead, and taint coming back.
was going to wrap some gifts, as never wrap them when they come, and
in fact have taken to as my brother taught me to, wrap the whole
package, amazon box and all even a white envelope if such comes, as
its easier nit neater to, and was about to do that. The day was a
Sunday Saturnalia, yes I use the word correctly Mich Dowdy, but then
when have the sportscaster ever had to…?, and though the Cowboys
were eliminated, funny it took this long, despite the laughter of a
rambling Fox were out seems no one need be forced no matter what in
our less than woke time, no matter what their ethics or take of not
rolling ones eyes at the aircraft carrier is. The Philadelphia
Beagles lost and gloriously so, to the also ran Redskins, sorry, stat
Boy, don’t have to read much less heed the memo, as the ghost of
Christmases past Kenny Pickett stumbled and bumbled and fumbled
relatively his way to a loss burnishing a black QB’s stats that
doesn't even need the Gödel central office doing pulling guard duty
and shoving him down our imperial flavian amphitheater throats. Then,
the dread 49’s, its been long way since Joe Cool, lost too, with
Huck Finn towing a pick six in the end, showing that that glass
cleat, or maybe his raft to Eldorado, is about to break open.
Midnight in the garden of Haite and Asbury. There is still some
murmuring though, that Catch -25 WILL HAPPEN this icy days, and that
a first woman pretender Praetor, will made just long enough so that
the democrats have to give a papal dispensation to Doctor Facci, and
Peppermint patty Chaney, two chanticleers out of an unfinished opera
left on some shelf somewhere that a Manzoni has never found.
then, at night, somehow despite the snide remarks and wise guy asides
that is our Lingual franca, I turned the TV away from the onrushing
Kennedy center awards, for the first time ever giving a ribbon to a
building , the Apollo theater and to house wop emeritus, not emerita
as the suddenly awakened Nancy demanded, after all, woke is sooooo
barbaric , no…?, FF Coppola, kept away from crime family sensitive
gummaddi Jillda, before even saw the ghostly visage of old coot
Tiber, old corpse Bidey, as it is said now even the sight of the man
with lower ratings than Carter had, they cant wait for him to go, as
eventually, he has to somehow tell you, its all true, as he always
must. After a passel of lies, of course. Whatever happens make it
worse…by vaccine. I turned it somehow to the lats prime time Cowboy
game that was flexed in despite the sneering of the epsn-y-fication
of American everything thanks to piss bucket poor man Cosell
Olbremann. But funny this time, without the haphazard and seamy decay
and meth sweats of Dak, a journeyman QB and a rag tag army seems
unwilling to sleep walks its last prime time slot away as it seems
they had before, and that fact they were even on showed much about
where the rations for The Shield's rockem sockem robots have sunk, as
it is tiring to see a slightly shadier version Brady be given games
at the end, for a Walrus coach who frankly, was never that good to
begin with. The Midnight Cowboys suddenly recalling an staging Roman
virtue on this cold and blustery night, they ran through walls, even
CEEDEE catching passes once lost on the sin that the artifacts of
Jones mausoleum never thought, or cared to keep away from the
stetting sun , not like they played that many games at dusk now. But
he showed every bit of his worn and his power he allegedly had, why
that number graced his chest like a talisman, had, the umpires taking
away a touch down though eh previously went across the white line,
the blue field not mattering here, but then, this allowed beleaguered
coach who cant live off his one Superbowl as Tomlin so agreeably does
his affirmative action-ed own, and of all people Zeke , now a relic
of the closest thing to Earl Campbell he once was cam barreling in
for old times sake. And smart ass needle nosed bungle number one, NBC
INCARNATE AND SMNIRK, Collingswood, ir whatever, the father of this
sort of broadcasting , was amazingly left silent for once as the
faithful and the white clad blues came close to those last pages of
Gibbon, areant we all…?, as he and that high yellow carnival
barker were left almost speechless, mot like a one handed grab by
someone who outlived his usefulness at the also crumbling deliciously
Giants, as he said said a simple yeah when the Cowboys, it was asked,
as i silently thought to myself, that maybe they are sending a
message to their faithful, --perhaps to Steven A and Tony Bruno and
Keith Olbermann too--and mostly, he said, they send a message to
Jerry Jones. Seeing this, I watched no more of it, a perfect high
point, committed by Ezekiel, misused and abused as we all were, a
last hurrah, that a l reel from a literal a dead head sticker on an
imperial Cadillac and a literal smattering of praetorian applause,
could never even touch.
Labels: Dallas Cowboys, Gore Vidal., Saturnalia, THE UNMAKING OF THE PRESIDENT., V-girl Rag comix